"Cosmic Cargo " is a physics based puzzle game catered towards children between the ages of 8-12. In this game, you play as an astronaut whose goal is to get from the starting planet to the home planet. You can only get there by using the orbit of other planets to rotate your rocket.




Cosmic Cargo Indie Game Poster Design Rocket Planet Combustion Drawing


First draft

As a team, we all collectively loved the first iterations of the background, however, we quickly realized that they were too distracting and crowded when they were implemented into the game. Hence, for the second iteration I decided to simplify the backgrounds while still keeping their color palette and essence.

Final version

Planet Assets

UI Assets

In-game UI

Thruster On/Off

Thruster Neutron Effect

UI Assets

Menu UI

End of Round UI


Sound On/Off

The Cosmic Cargo Team

Background, Asset, Poster and UI Artist

Dara Bachvarova

Character and Asset Artist, Animator

Elio Veron

Sound, Prototype, and Research Designer

Alice Leonard

Sound Engineer and General Programmer

Game and Level Designer

Rick Tannemat

Core Mechanics Programmer


Altared State